Remembering the Music, Forgetting the Words: Travels with Mom in the Land of Dementia【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Remembering the Music, Forgetting the Words: Travels with Mom in the Land of DementiaFrom the author of the much-loved memoir Cottage for Sale, Must Be Moved comes an engaging and inspiring account of a daughter who must face her mother's premature decline. In Remembering the Music, Forgetting the Words, Kate Whouley strips away the romantic veneer of mother-daughter love to bare the toothed and tough reality of caring for a parent who is slowly losing her mind. Yet, this is not a dark or dour look at the demon of Alzheimer's. Whouley shares the trying, the tender, and the sometimes hilarious moments in meeting the challenge also known as Mom. As her mother, Anne, falls into forgetting, Kate remembers for her. In Anne we meet a strong-minded, accidental feminist with a weakness for unreliable men. The first woman to apply for--and win--a department-head position in her school system, Anne was an innovative educator who poured her passion into her work. House-proud too, she made certain her Hummel figurines were dusted and arranged just so. But as her memory falters, so does her housekeeping. Surrounded by stacks of dirty dishes, piles of laundry, and months of unopened mail, Anne needs Kate's help--but she doesn't want to relinquish her hard-won independence any more than she wants to give up smoking. Time and time again, Kate must balance Anne's often nonsensical demands with what she believes are the best decisions for her mother's comfort and safety. This is familiar territory for anyone who has had to help a loved one in decline, but Kate finds new and different ways to approach her mother and her forgetting. Shuddering under the weight of accumulating bills and her mother's frustrating, circular arguments, Kate realizes she must push past difficult family history to find compassion, empathy, and good humor. When the memories, the names, and then the words begin to fade, it is the music that matters most to Kate's mother. Holding hands after a concert, a flute case slung over Kate's shoulder, and a shared joke between them, their relationship is healed--even in the face of a dreaded and deadly diagnosis. "Memory," Kate Whouley writes, "is overrated."Dimensions: 14.73 x 2.29 x 22.35 centimetres (0.43 kg)非常に愛されたメモリアルコテージセールの著者から、Must Be Movedは彼女の母親の早過ぎる衰えに直面しなければならない娘の魅力的でインスパイアな記述になります。
最初の女性は、彼女の学校制度で部長を務め、そして勝つ - 彼女の情熱を彼女の仕事に注ぎ込んだ革新的な教育者でした。
寸法:14.73 x 2.29 x 22.35センチメートル(0.43 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:3,432円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0(5点満点)
MUSIC 関連ツイート
RT @exnews24: 【記事】サマンサ25thイベント
TAKAHIRO・岩田剛典からのコメントも上映、岩田によるコラボ…@A_LAN84_24k 2019/02/05 07:13
RT @musicjpnews_mti: 北島三郎・ユーミン…平成最後の紅白舞台裏秘蔵映像公開、Kis-My-Ft2は先輩の“あの曲”披露!『うたコン』 #あいみょん #キスマイ #笹本玲奈…
@ball_forest317 2019/02/05 07:12
@roku_63_music マジかよ麓兄貴寂しくなるやん。帰ってきたらまた絡んでお。今の俺があるのは麓兄貴のおかげでもあるんやで
@kotekotekoote 2019/02/05 07:14